bayesflow.amortizers module


bayesflow.amortizers module#

class bayesflow.amortizers.AmortizedTarget(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ABC

An abstract interface for an amortized learned distribution. Children should implement the following public methods:

  1. compute_loss(self, input_dict, **kwargs)

  2. sample(input_dict, **kwargs)

  3. log_prob(input_dict, **kwargs)

abstract __init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
abstract compute_loss(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#
abstract sample(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#
abstract log_prob(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#
class bayesflow.amortizers.AmortizedPosterior(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model, AmortizedTarget

A wrapper to connect an inference network for parameter estimation with an optional summary network as in the original BayesFlow set-up described in the paper:

[1] Radev, S. T., Mertens, U. K., Voss, A., Ardizzone, L., & Köthe, U. (2020). BayesFlow: Learning complex stochastic models with invertible neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

But also allowing for augmented functionality, such as model misspecification detection in summary space:

[2] Schmitt, M., Bürkner, P. C., Köthe, U., & Radev, S. T. (2022). Detecting Model Misspecification in Amortized Bayesian Inference with Neural Networks arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.08866.

And learning of fat-tailed posteriors with a Student-t latent pushforward density:

[3] Jaini, P., Kobyzev, I., Yu, Y., & Brubaker, M. (2020, November). Tails of lipschitz triangular flows. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 4673-4681). PMLR.

[4] Alexanderson, S., & Henter, G. E. (2020). Robust model training and generalisation with Studentising flows. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.06599.

Serves as in interface for learning p(parameters | data, context).

__init__(inference_net, summary_net=None, latent_dist=None, latent_is_dynamic=False, summary_loss_fun=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Initializes a composite neural network to represent an amortized approximate posterior for a Bayesian generative model.


An (invertible) inference network which processes the outputs of a generative model

summary_nettf.keras.Model or None, optional, default: None

An optional summary network to compress non-vector data structures.

latent_distcallable or None, optional, default: None

The latent distribution towards which to optimize the networks. Defaults to a multivariate unit Gaussian.

latent_is_dynamicbool, optional, default: False

If set to True, assumes that latent_dist is a function of the condtion and takes a different shape depending on the condition. Useful for more expressive transforms of complex distributions, such as fat-tailed or highly-multimodal distributions.

Important: In the case of dynamic latents, the user is responsible that the latent is appropriately parameterized! If not using tensorflow_probability, the latent_dist object needs to implement the following methods: - latent_dist(x).log_prob(z) and - latent_dist(x).sample(n_samples)

summary_loss_funcallable, str, or None, optional, default: None

The loss function which accepts the outputs of the summary network. If None, no loss is provided and the summary space will not be shaped according to a known distribution (see [2]). If summary_loss_fun='MMD', the default loss from [2] will be used.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the __init__ method of a tf.keras.Model instance.

call(input_dict, return_summary=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through the summary and inference network given an input dictionary.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: parameters - the latent model parameters over which a condition density is learned summary_conditions - the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

return_summarybool, optional, default: False

A flag which determines whether the learnable data summaries (representations) are returned or not.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks For instance, kwargs={'training': True} is passed automatically during training.

net_out or (net_out, summary_out)tuple of tf.Tensor

the outputs of inference_net(theta, summary_net(x, c_s), c_d), usually a latent variable and log(det(Jacobian)), that is a tuple (z, log_det_J) or (sum_outputs, (z, log_det_J)) if return_summary is set to True and a summary network is defined.``

compute_loss(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the loss of the posterior amortizer given an input dictionary, which will typically be the output of a Bayesian GenerativeModel instance.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: parameters - the latent model parameters over which a condition density is learned summary_conditions - the conditioning variables that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks For instance, kwargs={'training': True} is passed automatically during training.

total_losstf.Tensor of shape (1,) - the total computed loss given input variables
call_loop(input_list, return_summary=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through the summary and inference network given a list of dicts with the appropriate entries (i.e., as used for the standard call method).

This method is useful when GPU memory is limited or data sets have a different (non-Tensor) structure.

input_listlist of dicts, where each dict contains the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:

parameters - the latent model parameters over which a condition density is learned summary_conditions - the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

return_summarybool, optional, default: False

A flag which determines whether the learnable data summaries (representations) are returned or not.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks

net_out or (net_out, summary_out)tuple of tf.Tensor

the outputs of inference_net(theta, summary_net(x, c_s), c_d), usually a latent variable and log(det(Jacobian)), that is a tuple (z, log_det_J) or (sum_outputs, (z, log_det_J)) if return_summary is set to True and a summary network is defined.

sample(input_dict, n_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generates random draws from the approximate posterior given a dictionary with conditonal variables.


Input dictionary containing at least one of the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: summary_conditions : the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions : the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network


The number of posterior draws (samples) to obtain from the approximate posterior

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.ndarray or a tf.Tensor.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks

post_samplestf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_data_sets, n_samples, n_params)

The sampled parameters from the approximate posterior of each data set

sample_loop(input_list, n_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generates random draws from the approximate posterior given a list of dicts with conditonal variables. Useful when GPU memory is limited or data sets have a different (non-Tensor) structure.

input_listlist of dictionaries, each dictionary having the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:

summary_conditions : the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions : the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network


The number of posterior draws (samples) to obtain from the approximate posterior

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.ndarray or a tf.Tensor

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks

post_samplestf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_datasets, n_samples, n_params)

The sampled parameters from the approximate posterior of each data set

log_posterior(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Calculates the approximate log-posterior of targets given conditional variables via the change-of-variable formula for a conditional normalizing flow.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: parameters : the latent model parameters over which a conditional density (i.e., a posterior) is learned summary_conditions : the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions : the conditioning variables that are directly passed to the inference network

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the lpdf values as a np.ndarray or a tf.Tensor

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks

log_posttf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (batch_size, n_obs)

the approximate log-posterior density of each each parameter

log_prob(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Identical to log_posterior(input_dict, to_numpy, **kwargs).

class bayesflow.amortizers.AmortizedLikelihood(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model, AmortizedTarget

An interface for a surrogate model of a simulator, or an implicit likelihood p(data | parameters, context).

__init__(surrogate_net, latent_dist=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Initializes a composite neural architecture representing an amortized emulator for the simulator (i.e., the implicit likelihood model).


An (invertible) inference network which processes the outputs of the generative model.

latent_distcallable or None, optional, default: None

The latent distribution towards which to optimize the surrogate network outputs. Defaults to a multivariate unit Gaussian.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the __init__ method of a tf.keras.Model instance.

call(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through the summary and inference network.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: observables - the observables over which a condition density is learned (i.e., the data) conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the network For instance, kwargs={'training': True} is passed automatically during training.


the outputs of surrogate_net(theta, summary_net(x, c_s), c_d), usually a latent variable and log(det(Jacobian)), that is a tuple (z, log_det_J).

call_loop(input_list, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through the surrogate network given a list of dicts with the appropriate entries (i.e., as used for the standard call method).

This method is useful when GPU memory is limited or data sets have a different (non-Tensor) structure.

input_listlist of dicts, where each dict contains the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:

observables - the observables over which a condition density is learned (i.e., the data) conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the network

net_out or (net_out, summary_out)tuple of tf.Tensor

the outputs of inference_net(theta, summary_net(x, c_s), c_d), usually a latent variable and log(det(Jacobian)), that is a tuple (z, log_det_J).

sample(input_dict, n_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generates n_samples random draws from the surrogate likelihood given input conditions.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: conditions - the conditioning variables that are directly passed to the surrogate network


The number of posterior samples to obtain from the approximate posterior

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.ndarray or a tf.Tensor

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the network

lik_samplestf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_datasets, n_samples, None)

A simulated batch of observables from the surrogate likelihood.

sample_loop(input_list, n_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generates random draws from the surrogate network given a list of dicts with conditional variables. Useful when GPU memory is limited or data sets have a different (non-Tensor) structure.

input_listlist of dictionaries, each dictionary having the following mandatory keys (default):

conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the surrogate network


The number of posterior draws (samples) to obtain from the approximate posterior

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.array or a tf.Tensor

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the network

post_samplestf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_data_sets, n_samples, data_dim)

the sampled parameters per data set

log_likelihood(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Calculates the approximate log-likelihood of targets given conditional variables via the change-of-variable formula for a conditional normalizing flow.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: observables - the variables over which a condition density is learned (i.e., the observables) conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Boolean flag indicating whether to return the log-lik values as a np.ndarray or a tf.Tensor

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the network

log_liktf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (batch_size, n_obs)

the approximate log-likelihood of each data point in each data set

log_prob(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Identical to log_likelihood(input_dict, to_numpy, **kwargs).

compute_loss(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the loss of the amortized given input data provided in input_dict.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys: data - the observables over which a condition density is learned (i.e., the observables) conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the surrogate network

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the network For instance, kwargs={'training': True} is passed automatically during simulation-based training.

losstf.Tensor of shape (1,) - the total computed loss given input variables
class bayesflow.amortizers.AmortizedPosteriorLikelihood(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model, AmortizedTarget

An interface for jointly learning a surrogate model of the simulator and an approximate posterior given a generative model, as proposed by:

[1] Radev, S. T., Schmitt, M., Pratz, V., Picchini, U., Köthe, U., & Bürkner, P. C. (2023). JANA: Jointly Amortized Neural Approximation of Complex Bayesian Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.09125.

__init__(amortized_posterior, amortized_likelihood, **kwargs)[source]#

Initializes a joint learner comprising an amortized posterior and an amortized emulator.

amortized_posterioran instance of AmortizedPosterior or a custom tf.keras.Model

The generative neural posterior approximator

amortized_likelihoodan instance of AmortizedLikelihood or a custom tf.keras.Model

The generative neural likelihood approximator

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the __init__ method of a tf.keras.Model instance

call(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through both amortizers.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys: posterior_inputs - The input dictionary for the amortized posterior likelihood_inputs - The input dictionary for the amortized likelihood

(post_out, lik_out)tuple

The outputs of the posterior and likelihood networks given input variables.

compute_loss(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the loss of the join amortizer by summing the corresponding amortized posterior and likelihood losses.


Nested input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:: posterior_inputs - The input dictionary for the amortized posterior likelihood_inputs - The input dictionary for the amortized likelihood


A dictionary with keys Post.Loss and Lik.Loss containing the individual losses for the two amortizers.

log_likelihood(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Calculates the approximate log-likelihood of data given conditional variables via the change-of-variable formula for conditional normalizing flows.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:

observables - the variables over which a condition density is learned (i.e., the observables) conditions - the conditioning variables that are directly passed to the inference network

OR a nested dictionary with key likelihood_inputs containing the above input dictionary

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.array or a tf.Tensor

log_liktf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_obs)

the approximate log-likelihood of each data point in each data set

log_posterior(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Calculates the approximate log-posterior of targets given conditional variables via the change-of-variable formula for conditional normalizing flows.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:

parameters - the latent generative model parameters over which a condition density is learned summary_conditions - the conditioning variables that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

OR a nested dictionary with key posterior_inputs containing the above input dictionary

log_posttf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_obs)

the approximate log-likelihood of each data point in each data set

log_prob(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Identical to calling separate log_likelihood() and log_posterior().

out_dictdict with keys log_posterior and log_likelihood corresponding
to the computed log_pdfs of the approximate posterior and likelihood.
sample_data(input_dict, n_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generates n_samples random draws from the surrogate likelihood given input conditions.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:

conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

OR a nested dictionary with key likelihood_inputs containing the above input dictionary


The number of posterior samples to obtain from the approximate posterior

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.array or a tf.Tensor

lik_samplestf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_datasets, n_samples, None)

Simulated observables from the surrogate likelihood.

sample_parameters(input_dict, n_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generates random draws from the approximate posterior given conditonal variables.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT KEYS unchanged:

summary_conditions : the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions : the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

OR a nested dictionary with key posterior_inputs containing the above input dictionary


The number of posterior samples to obtain from the approximate posterior

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Boolean flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.array or a tf.Tensor

post_samplestf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (n_datasets, n_samples, n_params)

the sampled parameters per data set

sample(input_dict, n_post_samples, n_lik_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Identical to calling sample_parameters() and sample_data() separately.

out_dictdict with keys posterior_samples and likelihood_samples corresponding
to the n_samples from the approximate posterior and likelihood, respectively
class bayesflow.amortizers.AmortizedModelComparison(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

An interface to connect an evidential network for Bayesian model comparison with an optional summary network, as described in the original paper on evidential neural networks for model comparison according to [1, 2]:

[1] Radev, S. T., D’Alessandro, M., Mertens, U. K., Voss, A., Köthe, U., & Bürkner, P. C. (2021). Amortized bayesian model comparison with evidential deep learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

[2] Elsemüller, L., Schnuerch, M., Bürkner, P. C., & Radev, S. T. (2023). A Deep Learning Method for Comparing Bayesian Hierarchical Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11873.

Note: the original paper [1] does not distinguish between the summary and the evidential networks, but treats them as a whole, with the appropriate architecture dictated by the model application. For the sake of consistency and modularity, the BayesFlow library separates the two constructs.

__init__(inference_net, summary_net=None, loss_fun=None)[source]#

Initializes a composite neural architecture for amortized bayesian model comparison.


A neural network which outputs model evidences.

summary_nettf.keras.Model or None, optional, default: None

An optional summary network

loss_funcallable or None, optional, default: None

The loss function which accepts the outputs of the amortizer. If None, the loss will be the log-loss.

call(input_dict, return_summary=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through both networks.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged summary_conditions - the conditioning variables that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the evidential network model_indices - the ground-truth, one-hot encoded model indices sampled from the model prior

return_summarybool, optional, default: False

Indicates whether the summary network outputs are returned along the estimated evidences.

net_outtf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, num_models) or tuple of (net_out (batch_size, num_models),

summary_out (batch_size, summary_dim)), the latter being the summary network outputs, if return_summary is True.

posterior_probs(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Compute posterior model probabilities (PMPs) given a dictionary with observed or simulated data.


Input dictionary containing at least one of the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged summary_conditions - the conditioning variables that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the evidential network

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the PMPs a np.ndarray or a tf.Tensor

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks

outtf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, …, num_models)

The approximated PMPs

compute_loss(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the loss of the amortized model comparison instance.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged:: summary_conditions - the conditioning variables that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the evidence network model_indices - the ground-truth, one-hot encoded model indices sampled from the model prior

losstf.Tensor of shape (1,) - the total computed loss given input variables
class bayesflow.amortizers.TwoLevelAmortizedPosterior(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model, AmortizedTarget

An interface for estimating arbitrary two level hierarchical Bayesian models.

__init__(local_amortizer, global_amortizer, summary_net=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates an wrapper for estimating two-level hierarchical Bayesian models.


A posterior amortizer without a summary network which will estimate the full conditional of the (varying numbers of) local parameter vectors.


A posterior amortizer without a summary network which will estimate the joint posterior of hyperparameters and optional shared parameters given a representation of an entire hierarchical data set. If both hyper- and shared parameters are present, the first dimensions correspond to the hyperparameters and the remaining ones correspond to the shared parameters.

summary_nettf.keras.Model or None, optional, default: None

An optional summary network to compress non-vector data structures.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the __init__ method of a tf.keras.Model instance.

call(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Forward pass through the hierarchical amortized posterior.

compute_loss(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Compute loss of all amortizers.

sample(input_dict, n_samples, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Obtains samples from the joint hierarchical posterior given observations.

Important: Currently works only for single hierarchical data sets!


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: summary_conditions - the hierarchical data set (to be embedded by the summary net) As well as optional keys: direct_local_conditions - (Context) variables used to condition the local posterior direct_global_conditions - (Context) variables used to condition the global posterior


The number of posterior draws (samples) to obtain from the approximate posterior

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.array or a tf.Tensor

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the summary network as the amortizers


A dictionary with keys global_samples and local_samples Local samples will hold an array-like of shape (num_replicas, num_samples, num_local) and local samples will hold an array-like of shape (num_samples, num_hyper + num_shared), if optional shared patameters are present, otherwise (num_samples, num_hyper),


Compute normalized log density.

class bayesflow.amortizers.AmortizedPointEstimator(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

An interface to connect a neural point estimator for Bayesian estimation with an optional summary network [1].

[1] Sainsbury-Dale, M., Zammit-Mangion, A., & Huser, R. (2024). Likelihood-free parameter estimation with neural Bayes estimators. The American Statistician, 78(1), 1-14.

__init__(inference_net, summary_net=None, norm_ord=2, loss_fun=None)[source]#

Initializes a composite neural architecture for amortized bayesian model comparison.


A neural network whose final output dimension equals that of the target quantities.

summary_nettf.keras.Model or None, optional, default: None

An optional summary network

norm_ordint or np.inf, optional, default: 2

The order of the norm used as a loss function for the point estimator. Should be in [1, 2, np.inf].

loss_funcallable or None, optional, default: None

If not None, it overrides the norm keyword argument.

call(input_dict, return_summary=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through the summary and inference network given an input dictionary.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: parameters - the latent model parameters over which a condition density is learned summary_conditions - the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

return_summarybool, optional, default: False

A flag which determines whether the learnable data summaries (representations) are returned or not.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks For instance, kwargs={'training': True} is passed automatically during training.

net_out or (net_out, summary_out)tuple of tf.Tensor

The outputs of inference_net(summary_net(x, c_s), c_d), usually a batch of point estimates, that is, a tensor estimates or (sum_outputs, estimates) if return_summary is set to True and a summary network is defined.

estimate(input_dict, to_numpy=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Obtains Bayesian point estimates given the data in input_dict.


Input dictionary containing at least one of the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: summary_conditions : the conditioning variables (including data) that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions : the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

to_numpybool, optional, default: True

Flag indicating whether to return the samples as a np.ndarray or a tf.Tensor.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks.

estimatestf.Tensor or np.ndarray of shape (num_data_sets, num_params)

The point estimates of the parameters for each data set.

compute_loss(input_dict, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the loss of the posterior amortizer given an input dictionary, which will typically be the output of a Bayesian GenerativeModel instance.


Input dictionary containing the following mandatory keys, if DEFAULT_KEYS unchanged: parameters - the latent model parameters over which a condition density is learned summary_conditions - the conditioning variables that are first passed through a summary network direct_conditions - the conditioning variables that the directly passed to the inference network

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Additional keyword arguments passed to the networks For instance, kwargs={'training': True} is passed automatically during training.

total_losstf.Tensor of shape (1,) - the total computed loss given input variables