bayesflow.benchmarks.inverse_kinematics module

bayesflow.benchmarks.inverse_kinematics module#

bayesflow.benchmarks.inverse_kinematics.prior(scales=None, rng=None)[source]#

Generates a random draw from a 4-dimensional Gaussian prior distribution with a spherical convariance matrix. The parameters represent a robot’s arm configuration, with the first parameter indicating the arm’s height and the remaining three are angles.

scalesnp.ndarray of shape (4,) or None, optional, defaultNone

The four scales of the Gaussian prior. If None provided, the scales from will be used: [0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

rngnp.random.Generator or None, default: None

An optional random number generator to use.

thetanp.ndarray of shape (4, )

A single draw from the 4-dimensional Gaussian prior.

bayesflow.benchmarks.inverse_kinematics.simulator(theta, l1=0.5, l2=0.5, l3=1.0, **kwargs)[source]#

Returns the 2D coordinates of a robot arm given parameter vector. The first parameter represents the arm’s height and the remaining three correspond to angles.

thetanp.ndarray of shape (theta, )

The four model parameters which will determine the coordinates

l1float, optional, default: 0.5

The length of the first segment

l2float, optional, default: 0.5

The length of the second segment

l3float, optional, default: 1.0

The length of the third segment

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Used for comptability with the other benchmarks, as the model is deterministic

xnp.ndarray of shape (2, )

The 2D coordinates of the arm

bayesflow.benchmarks.inverse_kinematics.configurator(forward_dict, mode='posterior')[source]#

Configures simulator outputs for use in BayesFlow training.