bayesflow.helper_networks module#

class bayesflow.helper_networks.DenseCouplingNet(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements a conditional version of a standard fully connected (FC) network. Would also work as an unconditional estimator.

__init__(settings, dim_out, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates a conditional coupling net (FC neural network).


A dictionary holding arguments for a dense layer: See

As well as custom arguments for settings such as residual networks, dropout, and spectral normalization.


Number of outputs of the coupling net. Determined internally by the consumer classes.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Optional keyword arguments passed to the tf.keras.Model constructor.

call(target, condition, **kwargs)[source]#

Concatenates target and condition and performs a forward pass through the coupling net.


The split estimation quntities, for instance, parameters \(\theta \sim p(\theta)\) of interest, shape (batch_size, …)

conditiontf.Tensor or None

the conditioning vector of interest, for instance x = summary(x), shape (batch_size, summary_dim)

class bayesflow.helper_networks.Permutation(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements a layer to permute the inputs entering a (conditional) coupling layer. Uses fixed permutations, as these perform equally well compared to learned permutations.


Creates an invertible permutation layer for a conditional invertible layer.


Ihe dimensionality of the input to the (conditional) coupling layer.

call(target, inverse=False)[source]#

Permutes a batch of target vectors over the last axis.

targettf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, …)

The target vector to be permuted over its last axis.

inversebool, optional, default: False

Controls if the current pass is forward (inverse=False) or inverse (inverse=True).

outtf.Tensor of the same shape as target.

The (un-)permuted target vector.

class bayesflow.helper_networks.Orthogonal(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements a learnable orthogonal transformation according to [1]. Can be used as an alternative to a fixed Permutation layer.

[1] Kingma, D. P., & Dhariwal, P. (2018). Glow: Generative flow with invertible 1x1 convolutions. Advances in neural information processing systems, 31.


Creates an invertible orthogonal transformation (generalized permutation)


Ihe dimensionality of the input to the (conditional) coupling layer.

call(target, inverse=False)[source]#

Transforms a batch of target vectors over the last axis through an approximately orthogonal transform.

targettf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, …)

The target vector to be rotated over its last axis.

inversebool, optional, default: False

Controls if the current pass is forward (inverse=False) or inverse (inverse=True).

outtf.Tensor of the same shape as target.

The (un-)rotated target vector.

class bayesflow.helper_networks.MCDropout(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements Monte Carlo Dropout as a Bayesian approximation according to [1].

Perhaps not the best approximation, but arguably the cheapest one out there!

[1] Gal, Y., & Ghahramani, Z. (2016, June). Dropout as a bayesian approximation: Representing model uncertainty in deep learning. In international conference on machine learning (pp. 1050-1059). PMLR.

__init__(dropout_prob=0.1, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates a custom instance of an MC Dropout layer. Will be used both during training and inference.

dropout_probfloat, optional, default: 0.1

The dropout rate to be passed to tf.keras.layers.Dropout().


Randomly sets elements of inputs to zero.


Input of shape (batch_size, …)


Output of shape (batch_size, …), same as inputs.

class bayesflow.helper_networks.ActNorm(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements an Activation Normalization (ActNorm) Layer. Activation Normalization is learned invertible normalization, using a Scale (s) and Bias (b) vector:

y = s * x + b (forward)
x = (y - b)/s (inverse)


The scale and bias can be data dependent initialized, such that the output has a mean of zero and standard deviation of one [R2ce218db8fb3-1]_[R2ce218db8fb3-2]_. Alternatively, it is initialized with vectors of ones (scale) and zeros (bias).



Kingma, Diederik P., and Prafulla Dhariwal. “Glow: Generative flow with invertible 1x1 convolutions.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.03039 (2018).


Salimans, Tim, and Durk P. Kingma. “Weight normalization: A simple reparameterization to accelerate training of deep neural networks.” Advances in neural information processing systems 29 (2016): 901-909.

__init__(latent_dim, act_norm_init, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates an instance of an ActNorm Layer as proposed by [1].


The dimensionality of the latent space (equal to the dimensionality of the target variable)

act_norm_initnp.ndarray of shape (num_simulations, num_params) or None, optional, default: None

Optional data-dependent initialization for the internal ActNorm layers, as done in [1]. Could be helpful for deep invertible networks.

call(target, inverse=False)[source]#

Performs one pass through the actnorm layer (either inverse or forward) and normalizes the last axis of target.

targettf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, …)

the target variables of interest, i.e., parameters for posterior estimation

inversebool, optional, default: False

Flag indicating whether to run the block forward or backwards

(z, log_det_J)tuple(tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor)

If inverse=False: The transformed input and the corresponding Jacobian of the transformation, v shape: (batch_size, inp_dim), log_det_J shape: (,)


If inverse=True: The inversely transformed targets, shape == target.shape


If inverse=False, the return is (z, log_det_J).

If inverse=True, the return is target.

class bayesflow.helper_networks.InvariantModule(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements an invariant module performing a permutation-invariant transform.

For details and rationale, see:

[1] Bloem-Reddy, B., & Teh, Y. W. (2020). Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariant Neural Networks. J. Mach. Learn. Res., 21, 90-1.

__init__(settings, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates an invariant module according to [1] which represents a learnable permutation-invariant function with an option for learnable pooling.


A dictionary holding the configuration settings for the module.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Optional keyword arguments passed to the tf.keras.Model constructor.

call(x, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs the forward pass of a learnable invariant transform.


Input of shape (batch_size,…, x_dim)


Output of shape (batch_size,…, out_dim)

class bayesflow.helper_networks.EquivariantModule(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements an equivariant module performing an equivariant transform.

For details and justification, see:

[1] Bloem-Reddy, B., & Teh, Y. W. (2020). Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariant Neural Networks. J. Mach. Learn. Res., 21, 90-1.

__init__(settings, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates an equivariant module according to [1] which combines equivariant transforms with nested invariant transforms, thereby enabling interactions between set members.


A dictionary holding the configuration settings for the module.

**kwargsdict, optional, default: {}

Optional keyword arguments passed to the tf.keras.Model constructor.

call(x, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs the forward pass of a learnable equivariant transform.


Input of shape (batch_size, …, x_dim)


Output of shape (batch_size, …, equiv_dim)

class bayesflow.helper_networks.MultiConv1D(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements an inception-inspired 1D convolutional layer using different kernel sizes.

__init__(settings, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates an inception-like Conv1D layer


A dictionary which holds the arguments for the internal Conv1D layers.

call(x, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a forward pass through the layer.


Input of shape (batch_size, n_time_steps, n_time_series)


Output of shape (batch_size, n_time_steps, n_filters)

class bayesflow.helper_networks.ConfigurableMLP(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

Implements a simple configurable MLP with optional residual connections and dropout.

__init__(input_dim, hidden_dim=512, output_dim=None, num_hidden=2, activation='relu', residual=True, dropout_rate=0.05, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates an instance of a flexible and simple MLP with optional residual connections and dropout.

call(inputs, **kwargs)[source]#

Calls the model on new inputs and returns the outputs as tensors.

In this case call() just reapplies all ops in the graph to the new inputs (e.g. build a new computational graph from the provided inputs).

Note: This method should not be called directly. It is only meant to be overridden when subclassing tf.keras.Model. To call a model on an input, always use the __call__() method, i.e. model(inputs), which relies on the underlying call() method.


inputs: Input tensor, or dict/list/tuple of input tensors. training: Boolean or boolean scalar tensor, indicating whether to

run the Network in training mode or inference mode.

mask: A mask or list of masks. A mask can be either a boolean tensor

or None (no mask). For more details, check the guide [here](


A tensor if there is a single output, or a list of tensors if there are more than one outputs.

class bayesflow.helper_networks.ConfigurableHiddenBlock(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Model

__init__(num_units, activation='relu', residual=True, dropout_rate=0.0)[source]#
call(inputs, **kwargs)[source]#

Calls the model on new inputs and returns the outputs as tensors.

In this case call() just reapplies all ops in the graph to the new inputs (e.g. build a new computational graph from the provided inputs).

Note: This method should not be called directly. It is only meant to be overridden when subclassing tf.keras.Model. To call a model on an input, always use the __call__() method, i.e. model(inputs), which relies on the underlying call() method.


inputs: Input tensor, or dict/list/tuple of input tensors. training: Boolean or boolean scalar tensor, indicating whether to

run the Network in training mode or inference mode.

mask: A mask or list of masks. A mask can be either a boolean tensor

or None (no mask). For more details, check the guide [here](


A tensor if there is a single output, or a list of tensors if there are more than one outputs.